Parents say their sons serving prison for Majcaj

07/07/2015 00:00

Sokol Majcaj, the killer who confessed the murder of two Czech tourists,
is accused by the relatives of two other boys who were sentenced for
the death of the 11-year-old, Agim Lera, in Dukagjin, 2010. They say
their boys Besnik and Edmond Kodra are serving prison in Majcaj’s stead,
who was sentenced to four years only for failing to report the crime.

Marash Kodra says Majcaj had a conflict with the victim because they used to plant drugs together. For the death of the 11-year-old Agim Lera, Besnik Kodra was sentenced to life in prison; Edmond Kodra to 11 year in prison; Sokol majcaj to 10 years in prison, but it was changed to six years by the Court of Appeal and then reduced to four.

Right after leaving prison, Majcaj was sentenced once again for breaking into his uncle’s house and stealing. One month after leaving prison for a second time, he killed two Czech tourists during a robbery attempt.

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