Paraplegics on hunger strike

15/04/2011 15:50

After consecutive protests, dozens of paraplegics and tetraplegics have started a hunger strike.

They demand 80 liters of fuel per month, a monthly invalidity payment of 10200 (72 Euros) ALL from 9500 that they actually receive, and the cost of the hygiene packet of 30,000 ALL.

“We need at least 15,000 ALL per month for the nurses. Nobody serves us for 9500 ALL (67 Euros) per month”, one of the strikers said.

“We need 80 liters of fuel, because we cannot move. There are many of us that do not own a house. They live in rented houses that do not have ease of access for us. We demand free residences by the state for this community”, another one emphasized.

Although one of the strikers was sent at the civil hospital for urgent medication, they declared that they will not abandon the strike before their demands will be met.

“We will not abandon our hunger strike until they come and give us a solution. Our strike will continue without stopping”, declared one of the strikers.

The paraplegics and tetraplegics have organized several hunger strikes, as the only way to solve their problems.

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