Pan-national league, Bumci meets Duka

07/01/2013 19:55

Prime Minister’s Berisha project for the pan-national league obliged the
Minister of Sports, Aldo Bumci, to start meeting personalities for the
realization of this idea.

The first in his agenda was the president of the Albanian Football Federation, Armand Duka, who presented the obstacles for this activity.

“A FIFA member is not allowed to organize matches with non-member clubs, but there’s an Executive Committee decision that allows friendly matches, which could be used for tours between Albanian and Kosovo tours”, Duka declared for Top Channel.

President Duka is happy with the fact that during his presidency the Albanian national team was a team that included Kosovo too.

“The desire is that Kosovo and Albania play together. Personally I think that the representing team should be one and this is something we have already realized. I hope that it will continue this way”, the AFF president declared.

The idea brought by Berisha, the Red and Black Alliance and the opposition, is not blocked by any factor inside the Albanian and Kosovan borders, but by the statutes of UEFA and FIFA, which don’t allow this activity without a UN recognition for Kosovo.

FIFA rejected one year earlier the idea of AFF to take some Kosovo teams in the Albanian Superleague.

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