Palestinian ambassador in Tirana: Without a two-state settlement agreement, we warned that it would explode

09/10/2023 21:28

The Ambassador of Palestine in Albania, Hana A.S. Shawa said today in an interview with Top Channel’s, Muhamed Veliu, that the lack of perspective for the grave conflict in the Middle East has led to the serious situation we are seeing now.

Palestine has always called for an international conference to resume negotiations based on international resolutions and laws, she adds.

M. Veliu: Who is to blame in this situation?

Ambassador Hana A. S. Shawa: Palestine has been under Israeli occupation since 1948, by Jewish terrorist groups, destroying Palestinian villages. Israel, which has invaded, is to blame for what is happening.

It is the continuation of an aggression in all of Palestine, not only in the Gaza Strip.

We have always warned that the situation would explode, it is irreversible as a result of the lack of political will from the international community for a real solution.

This is to exert the appropriate pressure on the occupier to sit down at the negotiating table and reach an agreement where the solution is to have two states, so that this is implemented with East Jerusalem as the capital.

The failure of the international community to achieve this, leads once again to a situation like this.

Defenseless civilians are continuously being attacked, being driven from their homes. What do you expect? To welcome you in this invasion? Of course not, they will protect themselves.

M. Veliu: You just mentioned the word ‘protection’. So a defense at the cost of many casualties on both sides produced by this conflict?

Ambassador Hana A. S. Shawa: This is not a conflict but an occupation of Palestine since 1948. We agreed to negotiate for 28% of the entire land of Palestine for the two-state solution with East Jerusalem guaranteed to the capital of Palestine.

And on the other side with the state of Israel created in 1948. According to all UN resolutions, two states should be built. One Arab and another Israeli. But the Arab state was not established, to the point where we see constant systematic massacres.

We see this invasion constantly.

This is apartheid, fascism and discrimination against this nation. This should be resolved. As long as the situation is not resolved, it will always be like this and it will go towards something, a path of no return.

Muhamed Veliu: Are the actions taken so far by Hamas justifiable?

Ambassador Hana A. S. Shawa: Hamas is part of the people of Palestine. Hamas is not something from outside. The State of Palestine is under occupation. Justified not justified we have the right of self-defense. We are constantly under attack.

Muhamed Veliu: Madam Ambassador. You represent the State of Palestine and are the envoy of President Mahmoud Abbas. Today, do you also feel like an ambassador of the people of Gaza?

Ambassador Hana A. S. Shawa: I represent Palestine. The State of Palestine includes all of Palestine. Political differences between groups within the state is something natural. Each state has its own political divisions. I represent all the people of Palestine and the president of my country Mahmoud Abbas. Yes of course.

Muhamed Veliu: This conflict brought to attention the failed past agreements. Is a new agreement in the creation of two states the solution?

Ambassador Hana A. S. Shawa: President Mahmoud Abbas has always called on the international community for a conference to reopen negotiations.

Since the last American administration, where all negotiation issues had failed and were left aside, such as the issue of Jerusalem, that of refugees, new Jewish colonies, the status of the border, all of these were given up by the previous administration.

We always ask for an international conference to return to the first negotiations, the discussion of such issues as Jerusalem, the new Jewish colonies which are deemed illegal by the international community, the refugees and the borders that are of June 4, 1967.

Unfortunately, the reality on the ground is completely different because even on the West Bank, a territory that is supposed to be a partially independent state at the moment, has been confiscated by the settlers.

Currently this Israeli government has three ministers who are responsible for all settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories.

I don’t see this happening in reality but we are constantly looking for it as it has reached a point where it can no longer bear these massacres.

Our blood is not free and we must not be dehumanized. No one has the right to dehumanize Palestinians to this extent. They have arrived at a certain point.

M. Veliu: We are on the second day in which Israel has declared war. What’s your opinion. When this situation will end?

Ambassador Hana A. S. Shawa: I am sorry to say that this escalation with this current massacre of Palestinian families, mired in suffering as we speak now, I do not see that it will be resolved without international pressure, which would return to the negotiation table and put an end to this issue.

The countries that help this invasion are sending wrong signals, which allowed them to go from one massacre to another. This will not bring a solution and as such is annoying all Arab and Muslim nations. Sine when you allow new settlers to attack a mosque which is not a Jewish place, what do you expect?

There are more than 1000 UN resolutions in favor of Palestine and none have been implemented

And this consciously leads to a religious war. And as you take this to a religious war it is irreversible.

Any country that is helping the occupiers will be held accountable. According to the UN chapters, who breaks it from the member countries or is an accomplice. Internationals are always failing.

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