The Democratic Party leader, Lulzim Basha, declared in an interview for
Top Channel that the protest that will be held this Friday in Tirana
will be the continuity of the opposition’s political action for removing
Edi Rama from the Prime Minister’s post.
Basha declared that the opposition has no intention to block the status with protests. He added that they will continue the protest even in the days to come.
Top Channel’s reporter, Elona Meco, held an interview with Mr.Basha.
Basha shprehet se opozita nuk synon të bllokojë statusin me protesta, ndërsa shton se ajo synon që ato të vazhdojnë edhe në ditët në vijim. Me zotin Basha bisedoi gazetarja Elona Meço.
Elona Meço: Mr.Basha, what is the goal of tomorrow’s protest?
Lulzim Basha: Tomorrow’s protest unites the Albanian people against drugs. Our proposition for leaving this situation is the that person who is responsible, Edi Rama, should leave. There is no doubt that all Albanians are against the drug, and secondly, this is our political stance. The opposition has the duty to verify the problem and propose a solution. The solution is making Rama leave.
Elona Meço: Is there any other solution besides Rama’s resignation? Have you seen the chance for dialogue?
Lulzim Basha: It was proven by the falling airplane that Mr.Rama doesn’t accept facts, but he goes on with fantasies. He doesn’t accept solutions, but he hides crimes. That’s why he is responsible and he is not reliable to fight the crime. Only the drug that was seized from January to April mounts up to 300 million EUR. What about the drugs that has not been seized? Where does all that money go? With this money they buy Parliament Members, Ministers, police officers, etc. This is a bitter lesson of the drug mafia, not only in Albania, but anywhere else.
Elona Meço: Why should the Albanian people believe you?
Lulzim Basha: Mr.Rama has his responsibilities as Prime Minister, we have ours as an opposition. We have proven with facts that Mr.Rama has not done his job, but has allowed the drug traffic to take these proportions, and that the traffickers feel comfortable and why not, protected from his government.
Elona Meço: You started the protest while we are waiting for the status. Do you identify yourself as an obstacle for this?
Lulzim Basha: We identify the opposition and its action as the clearest evidence of a functional democracy in Albania. We are the only opposition in Balkan that has lobbied and is lobbying for the status. Albania and the Albanian people deserve the status, but the situation has become more difficult because of the government’s arrogance. Our stance “zero conditions for integration and support for status” are our stance. We are in the battle to fight against the drug cartel.
Elona Meço: Wil you get tired if this battle lasts 2, four or 12 years?
Lulzim Basha: There is no other option in continuing this battle. The other option is destructive for the present and future of Albania, of the Albanian people and of their children.
Elona Meço: Don’t you appear a bit pessimistic with this message?
Lulzim Basha: On the contrary, I am telling to the Albanian people that we don’t have another choice. I am optimist for Albania and the Albanian people, because I am optimistic for the new generation. And when the new generation says no to drugs and yes to Europe, there is no bigger force or alliance to stop it”.
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