Spending for payments and per diems are not the only abuses for which Bank of
Albania is being accused. Top Channel revealed other details from the report of the
Supreme State Audit about the financial management of the bank.
This time it is about the procurements that according to the report are not only against the law, but also against its regulation. In many procurements, some of the tender procedures, including the process-verbals of the procurement commission, are not archived.
According to the SSA, even during the signing of the agreements with the winners, they don’t have the documents that should be attached by law. But these are not the only problems. The report states that the procedure through which the bank decides the limit funds for the tenders is suspicions and does not respect the lowest price rule.
“Bank of Albania should define in its regulation the methodology in which the limit fund should be planned, in order to decide the lowest price and the priority criteria for the realization of this service”, the report declared.
Finally, some part of the audit report is dedicated to the agreements for the building of the central bank. The report says that the Bank has caused damages during the reconstruction of the new building and the repair of the Dajti Hotel, when although all deadline have expired, there is no official reason for the delays and the bank is still paying rent to the private operators. In these conditions, Bujar Leskaj, head of the SSA recommends that the Bank should calculate the cost of rents which mounts up to one million USD each year, and charge it to private operators that have violated the deadlines.
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