OSCE: Institutions must be respected

20/05/2011 15:10

The Albanian General Prosecutor met today for more than 40 minutes the head of the OSCE Presence in Albania, Eugen Wollfarth.

By the end of the meeting, Wollfarth said that OSCE presence is performing regular visits with Albanian institutions. He emphasized that rule of law is very important in all processes, especially for those that have high interest among citizens.

The situation at Central Election Commission was also part of this declaration:
“Transparency through media is very important, and for this I refer to Central Election Commission, after the end of the vote counting process. CEC must be independent and perform professional work, based only on law”, Wollfarth declared.

Wollfarth reminded that January 21st investigations are still underway.

“Important events have happened in this country since January 21st 2011, and some of them must be analyzed in a legal way. Such analyze is very significant, and the General Prosecution is working on this process. The rule of law provides that no one in this country is above it. A special significance have the constitutional institutions, which must work without any external pressure”, Wollfarth declared.

General Prosecution Press Office notifies that one of the issues discussed with ambassador Wollfarth regarded the election process. Prosecution says that Mr. Wollfarth noted that some decisions of the process require legal interpretation, and it is important for these laws to be treated with maximal professionalism, in order to soften the aggressive stances.

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