OSCE Ambassador: “No chances for electronic voting for these elections”

02/02/2017 00:00

OSCE Ambassador, Borschardt, said Albanians cannot have electronic voting on June 18th, or electronic ballot count.

“Do you really think that the only way to guarantee free an fair elections is electronic voting and ballot count, such a delicate technical process? I read Netherlands is going back to manual votes, to guarantee trusted elections”, Borschardts said.

The Ambassador said ODIHR is not a referee and doesn’t guarantee free and fair elections in Albania. The responsibility falls on Albanian politicians, who are late with addressing OSCE-ODIHR recommendations in the Electoral Code.

Borschardt and EU Ambassador, Romana Vlahutin, shared the same opinion about the depoliticization of the electoral commissions. This way,  the people can hold political leaders accountable and not allow them to have criminals running for Mps. Campaign funds should also be transparent, and abusers punished with vote.

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