The Minister of Education, Lindita Nikolli, asked the pre-university
school directors throughout the country to free the school premises from
all trade activities within October 25th.
An open letter sent to the school directors expresses the support and commitment of Minister Nikolli to build a new model for schools.
One of the first steps in this direction is returning all school premises that have been given to private third parties for their own businesses.
“The lack of education policies and the lack of logistic and financial tools have made you feel alone in completing a mission that does not belong only to you. This will change soon.
I am determined to build a new school model as community centers through a new strategic partnership with teachers, parents and the government.
Let’s give schools a role that goes beyond teaching, to the creation of a new European civil society. Let’s turn schools into a point of reference for the community, and a gravity point for the democratic coexistence”, says the letter that the Minister of Education sent to school directors.
Mrs.Nikolli appeals all schools to interrupt every economic relation in their territory with private operators, and stop leasing the premises inside public institutions.
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