Options for distribution of mandates

05/01/2013 00:00

While the Electoral College divided the country in 89 Electoral
Administration Zones (EAZ), after the Central Election Commission failed
to take a decision, another stalemate is that of the number of mandates
per district.

Due to the lack of consensus between the opposition and majority representatives at CEC, this issue has been suspended since it wasn’t even filed as a complaint at the Electoral College and the deadline has expired.

But what are the remaining options to give a solution to this matter?

Option 1

The Democrats had declared that after the deadline for the complaint would expire, one of the remaining options was to keep the mandate division of 2009. But the Electoral Code foresees as obligatory the division of mandates before the elections, excluding from this obligation only article 76, that of early elections.
Option 2

The second option is to leave it up to the Parliament to divide the mandates. But this case would be similar to that of the Electoral College, that took the competences of the CEC after it failed to reach a decision through consensus. In this case the Parliament would make the same violation.

“CEC calculates the mandates according to the criteria foreseen by article 75 of the Electoral Code and sends it to Parliament. The Parliament approves the division of mandates”, says article 76.2 of the Electoral Code.

Option 3

Referring to the same article, the Socialist Party supports the position that the deadline has not expired. Contacted by Top Channel, the representative of this political force in this electoral institution, Genc Gjocaj, says that the CEC is the only institution that has the right to divide the mandates.

“In any case the number of mandates for any electoral zone should be approved not later than 6 months before the Parliament is dissolved”, according to article 76 of the Electoral Code.

Gjocaj declared that according to this article, SP has the right to review the case until March 7th. “The Kukes Registrar Office must explain the increased population and CEC must make the division of mandates for every district”, the SP representative declared for Top Channel.



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The SMI, however, does not preclude the
making of parliamentary majority nor allows its reach to the CEC, but will only
increase the pressure for a solution within the majority if this political
force supports the project for the removal of a mandate in Berat, and the
removal of another one in Kukes.


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