Opposition: Names for dirty money owners

20/12/2012 00:00

The opposition appealed the Minister of Finances to officially ask the
international institutions to publish the list of Albanian nationals who
have illegally transferred money abroad.

“Is it possible to ask the International Monetary Fund to give the names, the accounts and numbers of all Albanian citizens who have undeclared money outside the Albanian republic. We ask that these names and accounts should enter the Minister of Finances’ office as soon as possible”, declared the Socialist MP, Arben Ahmetaj.

A US institution published yesterday a report which says that from 2005 to 2010, 1.3 billion USD were transferred informally from Albania to foreign accounts, most of which come from fiscal evasion and traffics.

Minister Ridvan Bode says that the government has respective institutions dealing with this issue.

“The state has institutions, and the IMF and WB cannot have the list of bank deposits and traffics. WE have established an institution that works and is related with all world agencies, as members of the same association. The Directory of Money Laundering Prevention communicates and has information here in Albania, which have been filed at the Prosecution and have been frequently visible by the court”, Bode declared.

But the former Socialist Minister of Finances, Arben Malaj, says that the government lacks of the will to find corrupted officials who get rich with illegal activities.

“You can make this request officially, as Ministers in other countries do. If some politicians have got their hands dirty, we don’t need to let the stain the entire political class in Albania”, Malaj declared.

Global Financial Integrity report notes that the flux of dirty money that goes outside Albania reached its peak in 2008, when 405 million USD were transferred to fiscal paradises.

Rama: They’re stealing the money of the Albanian people

The Socialist leader, Edi Rama, commented the report of the Global Financial Integrity, with its headquarters in Washington, which stated that 1.3 billion USD of dirty money were transferred from Albania to the fiscal paradises from 2005 to 2010. Rama accused the Albanian Prime Minister and his government:

“During the governing of the Democratic Party, Albania has lost 1.3 billion USD, 60% from fiscal evasion, 35% from criminal activities, and 5% from corruption. But the most important is that this money belongs to the Albanians. This is why Albania is being destroyed today. Here’s where the loans that the Prime Minister takes for roads go, and then leaves them half finished. This is what happened that the public debt increased, and it will be paid by the Albanian citizens. Every family pays today 80.000 ALL for the debt each year”, Rama declared.

Rama said that this is one of the reasons why so many millions of USD miss to the state budget, money that could improve the life of the citizens. In this situation, Rama declared

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