Opposition leader with IMF: “Albanian economy, endangered by drugs and corruption”

27/10/2016 00:00

The opposition leader, Lulzim Basha, held a meeting this Thursday with
the IMF leader in Albania, Anita Tuladhar, and the representative of
this mission to our country, Jens Reinke.

Basha underlined that the situation is dramatic for all aspects in Albania, due to corruption and the power captured by a group of oligarchs and individuals with criminal records, drug, and arbitrary behavior of tax offices against businesses.

“This has closed thousands of businesses and has impoverished Albanians, has increased the number of drug users and created a depressive situation for our society”, Basha declared.

The opposition leader said that taxes have increased, informality is in its highest levels, transparency is at the lowest historic levels, while energy and fuel prices has caused a survival problem for citizens.

Basha mentioned the increased public debt from 62.7% in 2013 to 73% today. The DP leader denounced what he considered corruptive affairs with concessions and tenders, saying that in 50% of cases are held without a race.

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