Opposition leader: “The ending of year full of corruption and crime related PM”

30/12/2016 00:00

The Democratic Part leader, Lulzim Basha, made a balance for 2016,
saying that it is the end of a year with the most corrupted Prime
Ministry, and mostly connected to crime.

According to Basha, the Prime Minister has removed 40.000 families from economic assistance and has made it more difficult to get social welfare, while the energy price is more expensive.

Basha underlined that Albanian drivers pay the highest gas price in the region, while crediting, import-exports and public investments are all lower. Bad loans are 5% higher and businesses have received 140 million USD less, compared to one year ago, while farmers have not had any support.

According to Basha, Rama has also increased unemployment with 2%, while thousands of families were flooded. Basha reminds that Rama went to America for displaying his artworks.

In the balance of this year, Basha includes what he calls a destruction of the elections in Dibra, ruining of the health system, and accused the government of giving 100 million USD for the next concession. Education, Basha said, is also into chaos and injustice for thousands of students and their families.

The most important, according to Basha, is the fact that Rama covered Albania with drugs and crime never stopped, that he defended Mayor Rroshi until the end, deepened the alliance with traffickers and gave freedom to Lulzim Berisha. For Basha, these have caused a blocking of the European integration, killing the hope of 80.000 Albanians who abandoned the country even this year.

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