Opposition leader: “Rama is covering the truth”

16/09/2015 14:15

The opposition leader, Lulzim Basha, opposed the Prime Minister’s
declarations one hour later and said that what Rama showed today is a
shameful propaganda and the government’s efforts to cover the truth.

“Hundreds of police officers were forced to come to Rama’s media barracks, while traffickers are continuing with their activities, the drug plantations are getting bigger and the parcels are guarded by the guns of the gangs related to the Minister of Interior”, Basha declared.

According to Basha, the real balance of that show are hundreds of thousands of Euros taken from taxes and used for propaganda, while Rama insulted the opposition and the media which uncovered his ties with the drug traffic.

Basha mentioned the international reports of 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012, in which Albania was praised for the fight against the drug traffic and that was removed from the list of transitory countries.

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