Opposition leader: “PM wants to impose media censorship with Article 13”

17/08/2016 00:00

The Democratic Party leader, Lulzim Basha, accused Prime Minister Rama
of trying to impose an unprecedented media censorship through Article 13
of the law that defines the Prosecution’s activity in the fight against
corruption, which foresees punishment of journalists.

Basha said that Rama will punish through this law journalists who will hold stances he will find inadequate to his police. “This measure has nothing to do with the Justice Reform. It is just a standard of corrupted clans. It will never pass, because it will be stopped by the Democratic Party. But it is important to find out who wrote it”, Basha declared.

According to Basha, the inclusion of this article shows the malicious will of the majority, created by the “head of the sick man of Surrel” (Surrel, Rama’s residence).

“We need immediate transparency for this effort. I guarantee journalists and media representatives tha this article will be rejected. But I invite them to investigate the truth of this censorship effort”, Basha declared.

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