Opposition leader: “Our electoral candidates will be vetted thoroughly before running”

16/01/2017 00:00

The Democratic Party leader, Lulzim Basha, held a meeting with the
Democratic Party assembly after signing a memorandum for free and fair
elections with all opposition parties.

The opposition leader underlined in this meeting that the electronic voting gives a final solution to key electoral problems that Albania has had so far.

“No one will touch the Albanian votes ever again. There will be no more ballot boxes. We will fight this battle for every single Albanian, not only for Democrats”, said Basha, underlining that the DP will be committed to establish direct dialogue with all citizens.

Basha said that the Vetting law will make sure for all citizens to have a list of decent electoral candidates who will represent them in Parliament.

“The candidates of the Democratic Party, whom I will have the honor to lead in this battle for a different Albania, will undergo a very thorough vetting process, based on the strictest and most advanced practices used in the USA, with experts who have collaborated closely with me with the Commission of Control, Integrity and Ethics, led by our Dr.Halim Kosova. We will make sure that every member of the Democratic Party sleeps well at night, with a clean conscience that all candidates of the Democratic Party are crystal clean”, Basha said.

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