Opposition leader: “Minister Cani was sacrificed for robbery of 400 million USD”

16/02/2016 12:30

The Democratic Party leader, Lulzim Basha, reacted against the recent
government amends by accusing Prime Minister Rama of promoting theft.

“After sacrificing Minister Cani to cover the theft of 400 million USD a the Tax Office and Customs, Rama confirmed that robbery is the standard of his government”, Basha declared.

According to Basha, Ahmetaj is among those who Edi Rama trusts in his robbery gang. “10 million EUR of public money are being stolen a day at the landfill of Elbasan. He is was the middle man for the hidden, illegal and corruptive agreement for the Skavica mega-affair”, Basha said.

Basha added that PM Rama decorated today what he calls a model of corruptive concessions in the health system, “one of the biggest robberies in the country’s history, sharing more than 338 million EUR between his friends and clients, by appointing Milva Ekonomi in the post that was vacated by Ahmetaj”.

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