Opposition leader meets Vatra members, presents DP political alternative

21/03/2016 00:00

The Democratic Party leader, Lulzim Basha, met members of the “Vatra”
association in the USA, with whom he discussed about the situation in
Albania and updated them with the DP alternative that, according to
Basha, will end the crisis and return hope to the people.

The opposition leader focused on three topics: decriminalization, justice reform and free and fair elections.

“This government knows that if people vote today, they would end up in opposition the very next day. That’s why they are taking all measures to surround the next elections with criminals and corruption money. The 1.2 billion USD missing the state budget never became schools, hospitals, higher salaries and retirement pensions. They think that by giving away 20 or 15 USD per capita on the election day, they will be able to buy the elections for the next four years. This is a destruction of Albania, that’s why free and fair elections are necessary so that Albania can progress. I have asked the USA for full support on this”, Basha declared, than he explained:

“”We want electronic voting and counting, in order to limit the chances of crime to penetrate and intimidate voters. We want fewer money in the campaign by even criminalizing private funding. The third request will be a strict audit of political parties. By studying what they are spending, one might understand the interests of oligarchs that pay their campaigns with millions of Euros, with the only purpose to buy the citizens’ will to vote”. Basha declared.

But the condition for this, according to Basha, is the implementation of the decriminalization law, which will keep criminals out of public offices.

“The justice reform that our Prime Minister wants is to cut the legs, the feed and tongue of the justice system so that they cannot operate quickly with the fight against corruption. We want a professional and independent justice, trained by the USA. A National Bureau of Investigations that has as its primary duty bringing officials to justice, those officials who steal huge amounts of money and leave our children and families without food, without jobs and without development. These are the three matters for which Washington has given me huge support”, Basha declared.

The members and leaders of Vatra have supported the political action of the opposition and offered their support for this.

Basha joined devotees to the Lari Mass of this Sunday, at the Catholic Church “Zoja e Shkodres”, which marks the beginning of the big Catholic Easter.

The mass started with a quick greeting from the pastor of this church, Dom Pjeter Popaj, who thanked Mr.Basha for joining in this special day the Albanian Catholic devotees who live in New York.

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