“Let’s remove this corrupted regime of gangsters and robbers through
free vote”, declared the leader of the Democratic Party, Lulzim Basha,
in a press release.
Basha says that the dramatic news coming from the World Bank, Freedom House, the German Chamber of Commerce, the US State Department, the Association of Foreign Investors and the poll held by the Bank of Albania, show that businesses and consumers have lost their trust in a record-breaking time, below the historic average.
“The first step in our program for leaving the crisis created by Rama, and for putting Albanians out of poverty, is to reduce taxes and fees, and returning 1 billion EUR to the economy every year, more freedom to work, to produce and build welfare for every Albanian. Support, no terror to businesses and farmers. The public investments will help the economy and will create jobs with higher salaries. We will build a strong economy and a safer future for everyone. But we must remove with our free vote the corrupted regime of gangsters”, Basha said.
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