Opposition leader: “Justice Minister was discharged for speaking up against government”

30/01/2017 00:00

The Democratic Party leader, Lulzim Basha, commented about the discharging of the Justice Minister, Ylli Manjani.

Basha said that the Prime Minister should have explained what was the motive for discharging the Minister, although, according to Basha, Albanians already know it.

“Albanians know that Manjani was discharged for speaking openly about the crime that is using our government. He spoke about drug, Balili, and for Rama ordering judges from his phone. E spoke about corruption with tenders, etc. Manjani broke the silence code”, Basha said.

Basha added that Manjani’s declaration also confirms the truths that the Democratic Party has denounced for years, and which the government cannot cover anymore.

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