Opposition leader in Kavaja: “Rama needs Rroshi because he fears free votes”

13/02/2017 00:00

Kavaja, a former stronghold of the Democratic Party and a lost symbol of
their victories, has entered history as the first city that protested
against the communist regime.

But after six years of losing elections in this city, Lulzim Basha is trying to bring back the glory of the past, by asking citizens to join the Democratic Party protest on February 18th.

“We are here to tell Kavaja citizens that this is not a battle of political parties. This is a battle of all citizens, united to say ‘no’ to poverty, unemployment, arrogance and humiliation. This is a battle to say yes to free and fair elections, as the only way to chose a government that thinks about its citizens, about Kavaja, about Albania”, Basha declared during a visit.

The opposition leader believes that with the February 18th protest, Albanians will give solution to the involvement of criminals in politics, a symbol of which, he said, is Elvis Rroshi, the fired Mayor of Kavaja.

One citizen who spoke in favor of Elvis Rroshi was removed from the crowd by Democratic Party supporters who called him a provocator and municipality staff.

In elections, Kavaja has often had high-level figures from the Democratic Party, from Azem Hajdari to Sali Berisha.

Today the city is still under attention for the first Socialist Mayor who took the city hall from democrats, after it had been their absolute stronghold for many years, but he was fired after the decriminalization law.

“Why does Edi Rama need Elvis Rroshi? Because he fears free and fair votes. I guarantee the Kavaja citizens that we will be together in this battle until we have a government for the citizens”, Basha added.

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