The Democratic Party leader, Lulzim Basha, met this Monday with young
members of his party to discuss the February 18th protest. During this
meeting, Basha identified youth as the force that brings every huge
“When citizens and youth rises, no incriminated and corrupted government can stop them. We saw it in Romania. Now it is the time of Albanians to raise against unemployment, against the collapsed health system, against education and discrimination of youth, who have emigration like their only chance”, Basha said.
Basha added that youth was ignored these past for years, because the Rama’s government is establishing a system where criminals would be mayors and parliament members while youth and intellectuals are forced to emigrate.
“This is why on February 18th we need to get together and take our fates in our hands, so that citizens can have free and fair elections, so that the power gets back to the people”, Basha said.
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