Opposition leader: “EU ‘slapped’ Albania’s government”

14/12/2016 00:00

The opposition leader, Lulzim Basha, blamed PM Rama after the EU failed to give a date for opening the accession negotiations.

“After Raama’s government denied problems with drugs, crime, corruption and by not taking responsibility for free and fair elections, it is a shame that Albania received a decision which would be normal for dictatorial African countries. This is the the first time in 26 years that our government is slapped like this for not fulfilling any of the five key priorities”, Basha declared.

The implementation of the Vetting Law is one of the main conditions of the EU for Albania, but the law that was suspended by the Constitutional Court, has now received OK of the Venice Commission. The Vetting was suspended by request of the Democratic Party, and Basha said the opposition will keep its responsibilities.

“The DP will take its responsibilities for the Vetting law, for removing criminals from power through the decriminalization law and guarantee free and fair elections. We will remove these obstacles for our country’s integration”, Basha said.

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