Opposition leader: “Decriminalization destroys Rama’s power”

11/10/2016 00:00

The DP leader, Lulzim Basha, declared at the meeting of the Democratic
Party structures in Vora that “everyone who is against crime in
administration, drugs and the capturing of elections is welcome in the
civil alliance to remove Edi Rama and return our country to normality.”

Basha underlined that there can be no free and fair elections or even public order and prosperity without decriminalizing the government.

“In order to organize free and fair elections, so that Albanians can vote for whoever they will, it is indispensable to break the cycle of drugs and crime. Edi Rama filled the administration with criminals and brought them to Parliament and other key posts, only to then turn Albania into a drug depot that now enslaves thousands of Albanians so that Edi Rama and these criminals can obtain millions of Euros”, Basha said.

He underlined that the link that needs to be cut is the one between crime and the government, and the opposition took its first step for this with the decriminalization law, for which, Basha says, they are proud.

“It is clear that if Rama loses his criminal figures, with whom he manages and keeps power, it will be the end for him. This is why he doesn’t implement the decriminalization law”, Basha declared.

Basha said that if the decriminalization law is implemented, Albania would not be full of drugs, and the crime in the government has only one purpose, that of stealing citizens’ vote. “The only way to stop this is tell Edi Rama there are no free and fair elections with him”, Basha declared.

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