Opposition deputy is expelled from session when accuses the prime minister of turning the court into a party section, PM Rama: You are a circus clown

22/12/2022 21:16

Today’s debate in the Albanian Parliament between the Prime Minister and the opposition MP Gazment Bardhi, degraded into insults, after the accusations of the latter that PM Rama has turned the Constitutional Court of Albania, into a branch of his ruling SP party.

The speaker of the session, Ermonela Felaj, was forced to interrupt the proceedings and expel Bardhi for the session, in order to calm the tones in the Parliament.

When Bardhi accused Prime Minister Rama of turning the Constitutional Court into a section of his SP party, the Prime Minister got angry and called Bardhi a “circus clown”, while the latter retaliated by calling the Prime Minister a “washbowl”, which in Albanian is an insult meaning person with no personality.

Bardhi: Now you leave the oligarchs and focus on the mafia, do you?

Rama: You mister, let the person raise up and tell me that they intimidated him.

Bardhi: You led them to turn the Constitutional Court into a section of your SP.

Rama: You are a clown.

Alibeaj: Do you hear that, speaker of the session?

Speaker Felaj: I definitely hear it, as I heard you yesterday, you have reached the point where your right to speak is taken away.

Rama: You are a circus clown.

Bradhi: You are washbowl.

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