Opposition demands the resignation of health minister after the corruption arrest of her general secretary

03/06/2023 21:20

The parliamentary group of the Democratic Party has demanded the resignation of the Minister of Health, Ogreta Manastirliu, after the corruption scandal in her department, where the general secretary of Health, Joana Duro, was arrested for corruption.

From the investigations carried out, the Special Prosecutor’s Office concluded that Duro received 330,000 ALL for favors in the health tenders.

According to SPAK’s official version, the amount was paid to the general secretary by another state employee, a high-level specialist of the Public Services Agency.

Based on these developments, the DP Parliamentary Group says that the red-handed arrest of the high-ranking public official and the “systematic corruption in the Ministry of Health cannot pass in silence and without political responsibility.”

DP calls on the SPAK prosecutor’s office to investigate Manastirliu, stressing that the minister was inevitably part of the affair.

According to DP, the silence of the Minister of Health and her non-distancing from the corrupt actions of her closest collaborators prove that the corruption of the General Secretary is not an isolated case.

“Systematic corruption in the Ministry of Health cannot be done in silence and without political responsibility.

This proves how widespread corruption is in Edi Rama’s government.”

“3 years ago, at the height of the pandemic, DP proved with official documents that the Ministry of Health used secret tenders to steal from citizens.

Anti-Covid equipment and medications were bought 3-5 times more expensively, but the Minister of Health refused to take political responsibility. The prosecution did not serve the public interest with its half-investigations.

“The silence of the Minister of Health for 24 hours and her failure to distance herself from the corrupt actions of her closest collaborators prove that the corruption of the Secretary General is not an isolated case.

Ogerta Manastirliu in the Ministry of Health is a part of and serves a system rotten by corruption”, says the statement of the Democratic Party.

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