Opposition boycotts “Budget”, Parliamentary Commissions start discussions

09/11/2016 00:00

The Albanian opposition abandoned the conference of chairmen, in which
they were discussing the state budget for the next year. Edi Paloka,
Chairman of the Parliamentary Group of the Democratic Party explained
his reasons.

“Even today, in this conference, they want to use it in a very ugly way, to make propaganda for the Albanian people. For this reason, we left in sign of protest and asked them to comply with their duties close to the Albanian citizens”, Paloka said.

But the Socialist leader of the Commission of Economy, Erion Brace, said that the opposition Parliament Members abandoned the room.

“Our people need the state budget, so that the works that started this year continue to get funds and create a better situation, so that we can make it against even rougher floods than these”, Brace said.

The conference of chairmen was held behind closed doors, although it was warned as open for the media.

“The budget 2017 increases salaries and pensions. Supports the economic growth beyond 3.8% and reduces the debt to its lowest points, including arrear payments”, Minister Ahmetaj declared.

The draft budget will be voted during the next session. The discussions will take 35 days, according to Brace.

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