Opening communist files: “Commission without politics”

17/12/2014 00:00

The draft-law for opening the     Secret Service files foresees the
establishing of a national authority which will be led by five
representatives who should not be part of politics.

The candidates should be voted by a qualified majority in Parliament, and should be clean figures. The Deputy minister of Social Welfare, Gentiana Sula, declared that the creation of this institution will be accompanied by the technical inspectorate.

“Every citizen must know what has happened with his past. Citizens and constitutional institutions will have access, if they will want to know about the past of their personal. Journalist will need to be accredited for having the right to access, without affecting the privacy of third parties”, Sula declared.

The creation of this structure which would deal with the gathering, regulation and digitalization of the files would require a higher financial bill.

But this law will be drafted based on the Constitutional laws of Albania, which includes lustration.

“It is a verdict of the Constitutional Court for a similar law of lustration, discussed in 2008, and we also have the recommendations of the Commission of Venice for the implementation of a lustration process that is not a with hunt and that eliminates anti-constitutionality”, Sula declared.

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