Kosovo’s borders can change only if there is a war and the country’s only topic to discuss with Serbia is its recognition to the new Republic, Kosovo Preime Minsiter Ramush Haradinaj warned today.
“These borders were decided after the war and only war can change them. Whoever thinks our borders can change differently is wrong. These borders have been decided by the Kosovo Liberation Army and NATO intervention. These are war borders. Serbia should just recognize Kosovo as an independent coutry”, Haradinaj told reporters.
“Only Vladimir Putin is interested in border modifications, no one else in our continent does so. But we do not belong to his map. We belong to another world, a world where America leads and we do not play his games, we do not change our borders”, Haradinaj added.
Asked about reports concerning his own security, Haradinaj joked that policemen accompanying him were feeling very safe.
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