Online teaching not for everyone; In the villages there is powercuts and no internet coverage

16/02/2021 17:18

The Covid-19 pandemic and the snowfall have closed 1,760 schools in the pre-university education system throughout Albania.

This decision of the Ministry of Education to implement the scenario of fully online learning will last from February 15 to February 19.

To reach the joint high school “Shëngjergj” on the outskirts of Tirana, students from the surrounding villages need more than 1 hour, but now they are isolated in their homes because it is very cold.

“The task doesn’t get to the teacher as there is no internet coberage here.

Even the lights go out. It’s a problem with the waves. Today was the first day and we did not do lessons, the harder ome is math. The website does not work, I did not enter the lesson “, say some of the students.

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