Today marks a year since the September 21 earthquake and about 10 months since the second greater tremor that struck the country on November 26, which left many losses of life and damage to homes in many cities of the country.
The area of Kombinati in Tirana was one of the most affected by the two earthquakes, where dozens of houses collapsed completely and many blocks of flats were severely damaged, declared uninhabitable by the authorities.
But despite this, some of the citizens of this area, amid fear and panic, still live in these buildings, even though they say that they have benefited from the rent bonus from the Municipality of Tirana.
The emergency created by the two earthquakes set in motion the government in drafting a law aimed at disciplining construction in the country and at the same time providing severe fines for builders who violate the law.
Among other things, the legal changes provide for the creation of an electronic register of licensed professionals who operate in the field of planning, development and discipline of construction works.
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