One decade in courts, the Gerdec tragedy continues

15/03/2018 17:27

Ilirian Deliu escaped death from the explosion of March 15th, 2008, in Gerdec, but lost five members of his family. Their home was close to the ammunition dismantling plant.

He returns in Gerdec on the 10th anniversary, at the field where he used to have his home. “I was at home when the explosion took place and then I don’t remember anything else. I took out my family picture form my wallet. I knew I lost all of them”, Ilirian says.

Top Channel’s journalist, Anila Hoxha, recalls how 10 years ago she came to report the tragedy that left 26 people dead, 300 people wounded and huge damage.

Residents return each year to the place where the names of the victims are carved in stone. None of the politicians has arrived this 10th anniversary, while those responsible have not been sentenced yet.

Rabija, one of the 300 wounded victims keeps wandering from one institution to another. There are 120 residents who expect compensation from courts, but only 30 of them have received justice.

Many have been forced to go to the Supreme Court, after the Defense Ministry has refused compensation.

Dorian Matlia, lawyer of the victims, says that both Berisha and Rama cabinet have had the same stance, that the government is not to be blamed about this, but only some individuals.

After removing two commemoration plaques placed by two different governments, the residents have united and placed one of their own.

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