Ombudsman: CEC did not provide enough ballots for blind people

23/06/2015 00:00

The Ombudsman monitored the respecting of human rights for the local
elections of 2015, and note that not all blind people have been able to
vote alone, due to the lack of brail ballots.

The Ombudsman reminds that the Electoral Code foresees that these ballots are present in every polling station, but they have been missing in most of them and blind people have been forced to vote without privacy.

“There have also been problems with the preparation of some voters’ lists. Many people with a court order were unable to vote, due to the lack of ballots. Another problem was that of having proper identification cards. Many people have them in the files owned by the Police, Prosecution or Court”, declared Jorida Rustemi, Ombudsman.

The Ombudsman explains they don’t want to monitor the progress of the process, but their experts have monitored the respecting of the right to vote.

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