NY, “Rockefeller Brothers” Director: “Trump, a danger for Balkan”

20/10/2016 00:00

Albanian-American Haki Abazi, Director of the “Rockefeller Brothers”
foundation in New York, says Donald Trump would be very harmful for
Balkans in case he becomes US President.

“Trump has openly declared that he sympathizes with policies of President Putin, and only the Serbian element can benefit from this in Balkan. The entire Balkan will be back on an East-West conflict. This has never brought anything good in the past, and it will not in the future”, Abazi says.

He gives concrete examples: “The Serbian Republic in Bosnia, Macedonia and Northern Kosovo are enough for a local and regional conflict”, he says.

But it is the opposite with Hillary Clinton:

“There is a direct emotional relation with the fact that Clinton was First Lady during the interventions in Bosnia and Kosovo. She has a more detailed analyze of the geopolitical significance of Balkan in the Russia-West conflict”, Abazi declared.

However, the Rockefeller Brothers Director believes that most of Americans will not vote Trump.

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