Number of students registered at the Agricultural University of Tirana is increasing, 500 applicants more than a year ago

19/09/2023 16:21

At the end of the first round of applications and registrations, the Agricultural University of Tirana has managed to receive more students this year.

The expectations are that after the end of the second round and the free phase, the academic year for this university will start with 1200 students.

“At the Agricultural University of Tirana, despite the drop in the number of high school students and the economic situation, the number of applicants was about 500 more than last year. 810 students are enrolled in the bachelor’s program, i.e. 80 students more than the same period last year”, said rector Fatbardh Sallaku.

Unlike last year, this year the Agricultural University is not in danger of closing any branch of study.

“We at the Agricultural University do not have branches that will be closed, considering that the minimum necessary number will be met. Some branches that were not activated last year, such as fishing or animal husbandry, this year all these branches are active and we note with pleasure that young people have returned to these programs. It is about programs that can guarantee a job, but above all, they are programs for which every young person who registers will receive 40,000 lek per month, which is equal to the minimum wage in Albania”, added Rector Fatbardh. Sallaku.

In addition to the Albanian students, the agricultural department will also host students from Italy this new academic year.

“On October 2, we are expecting 20 Italian students who will start dual programs at the Agricultural University, in architecture, forest engineering, food technology and many other programs”.

This year, young people have shown more interest in the branches that have been designated as a national priority by the government, which has offered students a scholarship in the value of the minimum wage, i.e. 40 thousand lek (400 euro) per month.

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