Northern Macedonia’s President first visit to Albania

26/10/2019 19:09

In his first visit in Albania as President of Northern Macedonia, Stevo Pendarovski didn’t hide the disappointment with EU’s failure to open the EU accession negotiations.

“I proposed that Western Balkan countries should hold an extraordinary summit to discuss their relations and the enlargement alternatives. Northern Macedonia should host this summit. Treating both countries separately has never been part of my speeches. We spent a lot of time trying to convince our friends that this is not about full accession, but the start of a process that will go on for many years to come. Germany and France reached this for 200-300 years. We can do it much faster. It wasn’t made possible to us. This is an undeserved punishment for the entire region. This region must not be forgotten”, said Stevo Pendarovski.

President Ilir Meta sent an indirect message to PM Ilir Meta, mentioning Northern Macedonia’s decision to hold early elections as an example.

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