The normative act that limits the employment of doctors at the same time in public and non-public hospitals, has already passed the discussion in the Health Commission and is expected to receive approval in the Parliament tomorrow’s session.
But unlike what was presented in the report, that doctors with management positions in public hospitals or in the departments of the University of Medicine could not work in private hospitals, who are practically all double employed in non-public hospitals, with the new act this has changed.
Heads of Services can work in non-public hospitals, but they cannot have management functions in those hospitals or have private clinics. This point has been negotiated after a strong reaction of the doctors.
Meanwhile other doctors can work in private clinics or hospitals but without violating the 8 working hours in the public hospital, and not more than 30% of the working hours they do in the public sector.
Those doctors who work in a public hospital that has obtained the card of financial autonomy will not be allowed to work in a private one, although currently, no hospital in Albania has been provided with a financial autonomy card.
To continue working in private hospitals, doctors must apply to the directorate of the public hospital and get official approves.
Meanwhile, the Ministry of Health states that will create an electronic register with the names of all doctors who are employed both in the public and private sectors. It remains to be seen whether the amended law on the Doctor’s order will receive approval on Thursday in parliament.
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