The Minister of Economic Development, Arben Ahmetaj, declared that the
government aims to develop 12 industrial areas, starting from the first
pilot project of this sector, which, according to him, would help
creating the producing industry for export.
“There are 12 industrial areas and none of them works. We are focused on the reasons why they haven’t worked. We will address them, starting with the first pilot project”, Ahmetaj declared.
In the conference “towards a new progress road for Albania”, the Deputy Prime Minister, Niko Peleshi, declared that another challenge of the Albanian government is increasing the direct foreign investments in strategic sectors.
“Direct foreign investments in strategic sectors have been 1% to 2%, most of them gone for privaziation, telecommunication licenses, and financial services. We want to change this by helping and making them go to strategic sectors”, Peleshi declared.
Some sectors that could bring an economic growth, according to the professor of the Center for International Resources at the Harvard Kennedy School, Ricardo Hausman, are agriculture, tourism and the energy. For professor Hausman, the institutional structure that is missing in our country is the Development Bank.
“We will propose the creation of a development bank in Albania. It would be a great institution to cooperate with the World Bank, the EBRD, the IFC, and to help in the structuring of projects, their ties with the financial resources and for evaluating the risk”, Hausmann underlined.
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