The Socialist Party leader, Edi Rama, sent a letter to all Parliamentary
parties, through which he invites them to support the three Nobel Prize
candidacies of the Kosovo Prime Minister, Hashim Thaci; the Serbian
Prime Minister, Ivica Dacic, and the Baroness Catherine Ashton.
In this letter that has also been secured by Top Channel, Rama says that the Prime Minister of Kosovo showed courageous vision and determination for the national interests and for a better world. For this important contribution for Southeastern Europ, we join our voices with the promoters of this idea”.
For this to become reality, Rama proposed the establishing of a joint group of Parliament Members, for writing a letter that will be sent by the Albanian Parliament to the Head of the Nobel Prize Committee, Thorbjorn Jagland, and support the initiative that promotes the candidacy of protagonists of the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue.
Rama also proposes to seek for support from the respective groups at the European Palriament, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the OSCE and other organizations, through which the Albanian parties are cooperating for supporting this initiative.
Four weeks ago, the Parliamentary Group of the Progressive Alliance of the Socialist Democrats at the European Parliament sent a letter to the Nobel Prize committee, Torbjorn Jagland, in which Thaci, Dacic and Ashton are proposed for the Nobel Prize.
According to this group, it is not simply a reward for the progress reached so far, but also a motivation, the final push that is needed for peace in the long term.
The group members say that the goal of Alfred Nobel was to hand this prize to people who would give their maximum for fraternity between people, and his purpose would have been respected with this decision.
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