No turning back for Ambassadors

12/02/2014 00:00

The propositions for ambassadors seem to be the beginning of a delicate
relation between the government and the presidency, which in previous
cases have brought to institutional clashes.

Two of the government’s propositions for the diplomatic representatives in Saudi Arabia and Vatican are respectively Ermir Gjinishi and Adrian Ndreca. They are not the names that the President decreed a few days ago, although their names were sent to the President at the same time.

While Gjinishi’s name has remained more in the shadows, the opposition MPs raised some concerns about Ardian Ndreca in Vatican, regarding some articles of him about positions held by the Presidents. Medias speculated that maybe this was the reason why he didn’t find the consensus of the President for this post.

When contacted by Top Channel for the reason why the propositions were not decreed, the President’s institution mentioned article 21 of the law for foreign service 2003, which says that the Head of State has a deadline for this issue. Although facing an expected blocking of Ndreca’s candidacy, sources from the government confirm for Top Channel that they will not withdraw from proposing this name for ambassador at the Holy See, with the conviction that Ndreca’s candidacy enjoys credentials.  

Based on this reference of the Metropolitan Archbishop  of Tirana and Durres, who values this candidacy as very decent, with a long experience of cooperation with the international organizations in Vatican, saying that he enjoys the respect and evaluation of the Holy See institution, those who proposed his name insist on this candidacy since they see the diplomatic relations with Vatican as very important.

The government representatives add that they are waiting for the president to exert the constitutional prerogatives and that every stance of personal foundations damages the relations between the government and the presidency.

The institutional stalemate between the government and the presidency have happened even before, in cases when the propositions for ambassadors have not been decreed for more than one year.

It remains to be seen if this will be repeated and causing delays which leave embassies without their highest representative, the Ambassador.

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