No murder charges for child abuser

20/03/2013 00:00

As expected, the Court of Tirana left Ardian Prrenjasi in prison until
trial. Prrenjasi is accused of paedophilia and sexual abuse with minors.

Prrenjasi was accompanied to Court where he heard his charges by the Tirana Prosecution.

The Prosecution accuses him of sexual abuse with a 10 year old minor. The child abuser was arrested this Sunday at his apartment in Lapraka.

He had kidnapped and raped a 10 year old. He also confessed the murder of 11-year-old Julian Cela, who disappeared last November.

Prrenjasi is suspected of many other child abuse cases, which the Tirana Prosecution is now investigating.

But to the surprise of all, the Prosecution presented no charges for the murder of Julian Cela, the son of a high rank Secret Service officer, since they don’t have any evidence other than the defendant’s testimony.

Police starts searching for the body at the landfill

The child abusing monster was accompanied once again by the police at Tirana’s landfill, to explain once again where he dumped the body. This is what is confusing the case, since the evidence show that the body is dumped in another place, different from the one indicated by Prrenjasi.

The searches started this Wednesday at 12:00. Only one excavator was working, helped by two city cleaning staff members, although the authorities promised to use military vehicles and personnel.

The first research was unsuccessful and the state has no idea where to look for Julian Cela’s  body, besides the fact to widen the searching perimeter.

Prosecutor: Why I demanded a $600 fine against Prrenjasi

One of the court verdicts that surprised the public opinion was the 60.000 ALL ($600) fine given to Prrenjasi in 2008 by the court, while the Prosecutor also had asked only for a 10.000 ALL fine ($1000).

Contacted by “Shqip” newspaper, Tominaj, one of the Prosecutors who investigated the January 21st murders, declared that the evidence collected on that time indicated that the defendant had committed only one offence. He explained that he is open for any inspection from the Justice Ministry, since he believes that with those evidence there was nothing he could do more.

The evidence

The evidence folder contains the declaration of the child, the claims of his father and the testimony of the child’s friend. The father declared that his son was held inside a building by a stranger, and the defendants confessed immediately.

The investigations showed that the child was held for 10 minutes and was not sexually harassed during this time. He was only told that he was kidnapped. The defendant at that time had no priors. He had told the child to take the key from his pocket and open his door, since his hands were dirty. All of this happened in presence of the child’s friend, and the defendant was under heavy influence of alcohol. Another circumstance, according to the Prosecutor, is that the abuser had no weapon on his hand, which meant that the “hostage” had not been in a life threatening situation.

Court decision

“Shqip” newspaper also tried to contact Judge Shefkie Demiraj, who gave the 60.000 ALL fine, but she refused to comment the decision.

The Judge who became famous with the “Gerdeci” case, says that the decision is right and it takes in consideration the danger of this offence, the mitigating circumstances, the clear past of the defendant, and the court judged that the fine served to the defendant’s rehabilitation.

But apparently, the defendant did not read the last sentence of the curt verdict. Only a few months ago he committed one of the most horrendous crimes ever heard in Albania, the rape and murder of a 10-year-old child, and only a few months later he tried to do the same thing with another victim.

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