For months the regional hospital of Durres is facing the lack of medicine.
Patients are obliged to buy every medicine they need from pharmacies, and this goes even for retired people who are part of the health system and now are obliged to pay for medicine and even tests with appliances.
“The government leader says that those who are registered with a health card should not pay anything. I have bought everything on my own, because hospitals have nothing. They say I need these medications, but they don’t have it. My pension is partial, I’m only paid 10.600 ALL”, one retired man says.
Although they value the doctors’ work, they say that there are not enough medicaments.
“Doctors work very well and the hospital has a few medicaments, but you have to buy some when you undergo surgery”, a citizen says.
Relatives asy that doctors prescribe medicine without names, and with that they buy medicine at the pharmacies close to the hospital.
“I have bought medicine each day, and the same thing goes on. There are no medicaments in the hospital”, another one says.
This situation has been going on for a long time, even because a change made by the Health Ministry, which centralized all tenders.
This affected the Durres hospital too, which was in a pilot project directly with the Health Care Insurance Institution.
The bad management is being suffered more by the sick people and mainly the poor who can’t pay.
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