Nishani, Minister of Interior Affairs

20/04/2011 15:10

One year after leaving the Interior Ministry for the Ministry of Justice, Bujar Nishani has returned on top of one of most important departments in the Albanian government.

Official sources said for Top Channel that the Prime Minister has officially assigned Bujar Nishani this morning, before starting the electoral campaign.

Same sources confirm that this has been the only assignment that the Prime Minister has approved today, which means that the two other places in the Government; the Ministry of Tourism and the Ministry of Justice; will still remain vacant at least until after the elections.

It is not clear if Bujar Nishani will continue to lead the Interior Ministry even after May 8th, but he has accepted the duty for any period.

The decision of assigning Bujar Nishani only two weeks before the Election Day seems that has been taken for three major reasons.

Firstly, the Prime Minister has decided that this ministry should not remain without a leader, since it has the most delicate role for guaranteeing order during the campaign, on the Election Day and in the days of the ballot count, but especially after all ambassadors accredited in Tirana have asked the Police to respect the law.

The second reason is the conflict between a high rank Police director with the Vice Minister of Interior Affairs, who has been assigned to cooperate with the State Police.

The last, but not the least significant reason, is the fact that Bujar Nishani has the necessary knowledge for leading this very important ministry, since he has been managing it until one year and a half ago.

If the President will not delay the decree of the new Interior Minister, the Parliament could vote him this Thursday, together with the law of pardoning fiscal penalties and other obligations of the citizens to the state.


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