Nishani accuses majority: Judiciary reform is being drafted unilaterally

03/06/2015 00:00

The Albanian President, Bujar Nishani, declared that the judiciary
reform is biased, favoring the majority, and that the discussion
meetings were only formal. He appealed both parties to cooperate.

spoke on the second meeting of the Committee of Interested Actors,
EURALIUS IV, with the topic “Consolidation of the Judiciary System in

“Unfortunately, I have noticed that the reform is being
realized unilaterally by the majority, without the inclusion of the
opposition. I have appealed the political parties to find their common
language through political dialogue and orient the realization of this
important reform, which should be consensual too. I appeal for a real
and constructive cooperation between the interested parties, and a
constant engagement by the Commission of Venice”, Nishani declared, who
is also Chairman of the High Council of Justice.

The President
expressed his reserves regarding the accelerated pass of laws, which,
according to him, has been criticized by the EU too.

“I have
reserves about the laws that pass without an inclusive and thorough
process of reforms, based on the orientations of the Benice Commission,
despite the critics of the EU in the last progress-report. The practice
of rushed law amends continues, without consulting the Commission of
Venice, such as the case of the Supreme Court law amends. This
initiative was taken while the Supreme Court is part of the judiciary
reform package and in a time when the Parliament claimed that the
Special Commission would have concluded its work in six months, and
would have analyzed the current situation of the judiciary, followed by
the drafting of a strategic documents on the judiciary reform objective
and by proposing a package of laws, including the constitutional
amends”, Nishani declared.

Present in this meeting led by the
Chief of the Euralius Mission, Dr.Rainer Deville, were also the EU
Ambassador to Tirana, Romana Vlahuti; the Ministry of Justice, Nasip
Naco; the President of the Constitutional Court, Bashkim Dedja; the
Chief of the Commission for Legal Matters, Xhezair Zaganjori; the
Prosecutor General, Adriatik Llalla; MPs Eduard Halimi and Oerd
Bylykbashi; local and foreign legal experts, and judiciary
representatives or representatives of interest groups, related to one of
the most vital reforms.

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