New Year message of Top Media President, Vjollca Hoxha

02/01/2018 14:23

Allow me to wish each of you a happy New Year, on behalf of me and my family.

Top Media has just closed a year, and today we are opening a new era. We are entering a new calendar year, but also a new television era. Today we are one year older, but Top Media needs to be one decade fresher.

The last decade proved that the people of Albania needed Top Media, which broadcasted truth in every home and brightened up days, making lives easier and more joyful. We need to continue this way, with more passion, more truth, more speed and incomparable quality. Top Media will never have any other rival except for Top Media.

I trust that our project will keep growing and get brighter, same as during these past years, by supporting your ideas and professional courage. I have the same determination and motivation to keep up with the same will and dedication, so we can turn Top Media into the main house of information and truth in Albania.

The year we left behind has taught me many things, one of which I want to share with you: Truth has no price, and nothing can buy it. This is why today I consider Top Media the mutual property of our team and, of course, of all Albanians. This is called the House of Truth.

Looking back at what we achieved, I am thrilled to see how we gave many young people the chance to realize their dreams, we provided professionals with a platform on which they can be fulfilled, and we created the path to success and welfare for many reporters, actors, singers, directors and technicians. In every home, older generations make room for younger ones, and that’s what will happen with Top Media as well. We will motivate and support the most courageous and most talented ones. I will do everything possible so that the most capable and most courageous can continue to grow and modernize our home, a home that has room for everyone who loves it and who can transmit this love to the TV screen.

I am certain that together we are going to start a new era.

Best wishes and good luck to all of you.

Happy New Year

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