New territorial division: SP sues 130 requests for local referendums

16/12/2014 00:00

In a unique case, the parties will face each other at the Electoral
College six months before the local elections for more than 130

The Socialist Party asked the Court of Appeal to reject the decision of the Central Election Commission for accepting the application for local referendums from several local units that are against the new territorial division.

The Socialist Party asked the repeal of these decisions, as a wrong implementation of the Electoral Code.

The CEC has not made any evaluation of the request that was submitted by its initiators.

The Socialist Party says that the formal evaluation of the request is done by the CEC. They raise a question for this: “Will the CEC equip all initiators with a referendum if they request amends of the Judiciary Districts, of the Administrative Court, of the Electoral Code and the Civilian Code?

The Socialists say that CEC is bound to make the verification of the request, and now it is up to the Electoral College to make the evaluation. If the verdicts of the Central Election Commission are rejected, the referendum issue ends here.

Otherwise, the Socialist Party thinks that thing remaining is the Constitutional Court, which will verify the constitutionality of this special matter, what the SP thinks that should have been done by the CEC.

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