The new MPs of the opposition aren’t satisfied with the agreement reached by the opposition with the opposition outside the Parliament.
Rudina Hajdari met with the new Democrat members to update them with the document that doesn’t have her signature yet.
There were many debates behind closed doors, as the opposition refuses to turn into a simple notary of the agreement between the bigger players.
They have two conditions for their vote in Parliament:
“We want to change paragraph 4, which provides that the decision to be taken into account is that of 2017. It must take into account the one of 2019”, said Halit Valteri.
Ralf Gjoni used irony against the members of the Democratic Party, who used to promise that they would never sit in a dialogue table with what they considered “an illegitimate parliament”.
The electoral reform requires a qualified majority. This means that the government will have to convince both oppositions before having it approved in Parliament.
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