Two former Parliament Members, one Socialist and one Democrat, Ilir
Gjoni and Leonard Demi, have both started their careers at the Foreign
Ministry. Now they have returned at their democratic services, proposed
by the Albanian Prime Minister as ambassadors of the Albanian Republic.
The Foreign Minister, Ditmir Bushati, was happy that these propositions received unanimous vote at the Commission, convinced that Albania profits from the credibility of the candidates and their experience in high-rank official duties.
“This experience has modestly given me the necessary leading expressions, including the ability to clearly define objectives and motivate others to achieve them”, Ilir Gjoni declared.
“My proposition is a political message that for national interest issues should have no party distinctions. We should cooperate, because it is on our own interest”, declared Ledonard Demi.
“The ambassador face for small countries like Albania, is in fact the real face of the Albanian state. It is important to find people who combine different experiences and guarantee quality in representation”, Bushati declared.
Both candidates must receive the approval of the President before taking their duties.
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