New law for protecting minors

10/01/2018 17:15

Minors who commit crimes, who are victims or who witness crimes, will be treated by a new law that entered into effect on January 1st, 2018.

The law foresees better judiciary standards for minors, with the main purpose to rehabilitate, rather than sentence them.

The requirements of the code, however, have created several challenges for the judiciary system, which is not ready to implement it.

These challenges start with the training of prosecutors and judges who will review the cases of minors.

“We are talking about 24 judges, from 300 in total, who are receiving a training at the Magistrate School”, said Toni Gogu, Deputy Minister of Justice.

The units for protecting children and their personnel is another challenge for implementing the new code for minors, which foresees rehabilitation under the care of certified institutions.

“There are 218 units in all of the municipalities, but only 141 of them have reported. We need to treat the employees of these centres”,  Gogu added.

The new code foresees that detention for minors should be separated from others. Minors will also avoid any contact with adult prisoners.

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