The Tirana Prosecution has restarted investigations for the police violence against protesters on January 21st, 2011.
Although it is not known yet why these investigations are going on three years later, regardless of the frequent requests, a group of prosecutors are interrogating police officers who were on duty at the demonstration that ended with four people killed.
To Top Channel’s question why investigations were so delayed, sources said that it was due to the flux in this case. Prosecutors suspect that there has been violence by police officers in civilian clothes.
In fact, this concern was raised even by the Committee for the Prevention of Torture at the Council of Europe, after interrogating a large number of people who had been taken under custody in Tirana’s police premises. The report said that besides the violence during the protest, these peopole had been beaten and degraded by officers inside the police stations.
But in that time, institutions did not react to the requests for investigating this violence.
It is unknown if the Prosecution will verify the position held by prosecutors in court, since they had been notified by victims for this violence.
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